A Product Manager’s Manifesto

When setting up to embark on a new journey, it’s always a good practice to establish a solid foundation which will provide guidance and set the direction of action whenever in doubt. That’s why having a non-negotiable set of principles and values is mandatory in keeping us honest in whatever we’ll be taking on going forward. As a Product Manager, my personal manifesto contains these 3 principles and 7 values.

Guiding Principles

  • Compassionate leadership holds a central place in my approach and I see it as vital to my success as product manager. I must treat my team members with empathy, respect, and kindness. I would encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in my teams, and ensure that everyone has a voice and an opportunity to contribute. I must also consider the impact of our products on people’s lives and the world around us. I must strive to create products that do not harm but rather, make a positive impact in people’s lives.
  • Constant improvement is crucial in everything I do as product manager. It means I must constantly seek new ways to improve our processes, our ways of working and our team’s performance, which ultimately translates into better delivered products. I must always be learning and adapting, while encouraging others to do the same, constantly looking for ways to make our products more efficient, effective, and user-friendly. By doing so, we can create products that truly solve our customers’ problems and meet their needs.
  • Waste reduction is another essential part of my approach to product leadership. I must encourage the team to always strive to eliminate any unnecessary steps, unused resources, or features that do not add value to our products. By doing so, we can reduce costs, save time, and minimize the impact of our work and our product on the environment. This not only makes our products more affordable and accessible to our customers, but also benefits the planet.

Adopted Values

  • Critical thinking: I approach problems with an open mind and a willingness to challenge assumptions. I will ask tough questions and seek out diverse perspectives to ensure that our product is the best it can be.
  • Analytical approach: I believe in basing decisions on data and facts, rather than intuition or assumptions. I will analyze market trends, user behavior, and competitor activity to better inform product decisions.
  • Goal-driven: I am motivated by achieving goals and making a tangible impact. I will set ambitious yet achievable goals and prioritize tasks that contribute to those goals.
  • Metrics-driven: I understand the importance of setting measurable goals and tracking progress towards those goals. I will use metrics to evaluate product success and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Focus on results: I understand that delivering results is what ultimately matters. I value outcome over output. I will be relentless in pursuing the desired results and will not let roadblocks stand in the way of progress.
  • Customer engagement: I understand that our customers are the lifeblood of our product. I will prioritize customer engagement and feedback and use this information to drive product decisions. I will also strive to create a product that exceeds our customers’ expectations and provides them with real value.
  • Communication: I recognize the importance of clear and concise communication. I will keep stakeholders informed about product progress, changes, and challenges. I will also actively seek feedback and ideas from all stakeholders.